February 17, 2002

Financial Terms

So how would you find out about the accounting treatment of "Goodwill"? How about Google? 992,000 hits. Goodwill Industries, Goodwill Games. Finally, on the second page of search results - Trademarks & Business Goodwill http://www.fplc.edu/tfield/Trademk.htm. But it is primarily about trademarks. Then 5-6 pages of various Goodwill Industry branches.

If you want to use Google for searches like this, use more words - financial, accounting, treatment along with goodwill. Now only 28,100 hits but they all talk about accounting treatments, financial information and/or Financial Accounting Standards Board. Probably closer to what was wanted.

Rather than going to a general web search engine like Google, try looking for definitions in a fiancial dictionary. Many financial sites provide Glossaries.

Motley Fool: Glossary of Financial Terms
From accountant to zero-coupon bond, definitions to clear the confusion. http://www.fool.com/school/Glossary/glossary.htm
Vanguard glossary
WFN Glossary
Need a definition? Our glossary has over 6,000 terms and is cross-referenced with more than 16,000 hyperlinks, making it the largest financial glossary on the Internet. http://www.wfn.com/learn/glossary.asp