March 2, 2009

caveat emptor

As with any financial advice, one needs to take a critical look at the source. Caveat emptor - "Let the buyer beware"

While Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad books have an extensive following, there are criticisms and controversies regarding the information.

How bad is this? It depends. If it gets people thinking and talking, it is a big success. The only "danger" may come from stopping here. As a practical matter, it would be difficult to "do" what is outlined in the books and make money. There is lots more to learn about. Taking action necessitates more thinking, research and learning - which is the whole idea.


Anonymous said...

Agree.."more thinking, research and learning" being the "whole idea" of getting a financial education. One of the "criticisms and controversies" about Robert Kiyosaki's Rick Dad, Poor Dad books mention that he repeats some of the same material in many of his books. For me, repetition, has been a "key" to learning something new. I need to "hear" some things over and over, as well as "see" the diagrams that he provides to get the point. We are all at different levels of understanding and absorb information in diverse ways. I agree "If it gets people thinking and talking, it is a big success"...gc

... said...

So what's next? Are there other authors or topics that you are starting to look at?