April 3, 2009

other people's blogs

I have been looking for additional blogs to read. Lots of people are searching for financial "friends" - others who are writing about their interest in personal finance. It doesn't cost much to set up a blog, and with Google ads, some folks are looking to make money. So there are lots of blogs out there.

Here are today's finds

Best of the Web (BOTW) Blog Directory: Home: Personal_Finance:
lists many quite good blogs on the topic of personal finance.

From the list, I selected this one, more or less at random.

Finandom Dot Com
Tips to Achieve Financial Freedom and Retire Wealthy

The article that caught my eye
You Cannot Afford to Watch TV!
The point is well taken. Just think about it. It makes me so crazy when acquaintances say they don't have time to manage their own money, yet they have plenty of time to watch every episode of Dancing with the Stars and see all the latest "chick flick" movies.

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